...No, really. Sorry everyone, especially my family, this is my home right now, and I can't imagine being anywhere else this Christmas. This morning Hermana Norton and I planned our "Christmas lesson" that we will be giving everyone over the next few days, and I am so excited. I love talking about the Savior - his birth, life, and death, as that really is everything to me.
This week has been incredible, with so many Christmas miracles. We are in a difficult situation with all the work we have, but the Lord is truly blessing us and guiding us with his hand. I feel like I haven't even had time to breathe, or get organized after the move, but there is just so much to do! I love it though - less time to think about things that don't matter, and focus on what's really important.
One of my favorite things about missionary work, and the gospel of Jesus Christ in general is the power that it has to change us. It is so incredible to watch as people learn about our Savior, and on their own want to make changes in their lives to become more like him. We had two incredible experiences as our investigators showed their willingness to be "humble followers of God and the Lamb." (Helaman 6:5)
First, Bernice, our investigator that has read everything that we have given her! She finished the Book of Mormon in two weeks, and recently completed Gospel Principles and Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith. We're "stalling" her with a few Liahona magazines for a few days until we can get our hands on a few other things.
The other day we went over for our lesson and she started asking us questions about the Word of Wisdom, something she had learned about from Gospel Principles. She basically asked "What's this about you not drinking coffee?" We explained the principle and the eternal laws that God has given us to protect our bodies. Without any further questions she said, "Well, I had a cup of coffee this morning. I guess that was my last!" Incredible. It has been so clear that as she is studying the doctrine of Christ the Lord has poured out his spirit upon her (Helaman 6:36) and filled her with the desire to follow him.
We have also been working closely with Heidi for the past month or so, and she and her two sons have come to Church every week since we started teaching them. Heidi told us that this Sunday after Church she had a discussion with them about some of the music they were listening to and movies they were watching, and how maybe they needed to reevaluate some of their media choices. She admitted that six months ago that never would have crossed her mind, but we pointed out that now she has the spirit working in her life, and as she comes closer to Christ she wants to eliminate the things in her life that may be distractions from the peace and joy He brings. This is a natural process, and although we never asked her to do or think about any of those things specifically, she has an innate desire to what it takes to be closer to the Savior.
This special time of year is the perfect opportunity for us to focus on the Savior and eliminate the things in our life that prevent us from having Him at the center of our lives and homes. We always talk about the "true meaning of Christmas" of course, the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ. But this year, really let the true meaning also be the most important meaning. Unlike the inn keeper, let Him in to your homes, and let him be the center - just as the Christ child is the center of each nativity display. I know that if you do these things throughout this season, and into the new year, that you will be strengthened as the Lord pours out his spirit upon you. I testify that Jesus is the Christ, the King of Kings, Lord of Lords, the only true Peacemaker, our Savior and Redeemer. In his Sacred Name, Amen.
Merry Christmas
Hermana Richelle Ouellette