This week went by pretty quick, but I guess it hasn't technically been a full week since I last wrote... we have three days worth of meetings this week (starting tomorrow) so they had to push our P-day back to today. We didn't realize it was Labor Day until a few days ago... The public library is closed, but fortunately we still get to email - a member let us into the Stake Family History Center.
So first of all Pietown update: There was a lot more anticipation than anything. It took way longer than expected (GPS said 50 miles; 45 minutes, but it was actually 77 miles and closer to 1 1/2 hours!). Anyway we got there and the pie shop was CLOSED! You can imagine our dismay, especially because we had all been fasting all day. (For blessings... nothing to do with pie :) Luckily, Hermana Jones' cousin lives in the area, so by some crazy coincidences (blessings?) we were able to get in touch with her and we went to her house for peanut butter & jelly sandwiches. It was quite the adventure, and slightly disappointing, but definitely a p-day we will never forget!
Our investigator Ronnie got baptized on Saturday! I haven't told you much about him, so here you go...
Ronnie is 18 years-old, just graduated from High School this year and is dating an LDS girl, Camrie. He first took the lessons in March, but got busy with a new job, and still being in school so he stopped meeting with the sisters. He called us a few weeks ago and told us he wanted to take the lessons... We were obviously pretty excited seeing as that NEVER happens! Anyway we scheduled an appointment to meet with him at Camrie's aunt's house. We showed up, but he didn't. When we talked to their family they were worried he might just be doing it for Camrie and wasn't really that interested (that's what they kind of thought before). They also told us where he was living (not our area, which meant we'd have to turn him over to the Elders anyway). We were also bummed that he hadn't at least let us know that he wasn't going to make it to the lesson.
Well, we finally got in touch with him (he had tried to call us to reschedule, but had our number wrong). We set up another appointment for the next day. Right away he asked us how many lessons there were before he could get baptized, and he said he had been thinking a lot about being baptized. We told him there are not set number, but we could set a date for his baptism and meet with him as often as necessary to prepare him for that important step. He agreed, and we decided on Sept. 4, less than two weeks from that day.
That night we taught him the first lesson, and it was AWESOME! The Spirit was super strong and he said we answered all his questions - he said everything we explained made perfect sense! Over the next two weeks we taught him the rest of the lessons, and he became more and more excited about each one. He told us that after every time he met with us he could not stop smiling! He also said when he opened the Book of Mormon to read he couldn't put it down! He was actually excited to keep his commitments, and when we committed him to live the word of wisdom and law of chastity he said "Heck yes!"
Basically, he was as golden as they come. His baptismal service was awesome, and the confirmation went well... he had a lot of support from friends and family. Yesterday fast and testimony meeting in his ward was ALL about missionary work. It seemed like the whole meeting was just for him - everyone that got up talked about how wonderful their mission experience was, or shared their conversion story, or raved about how exciting missionary work is in general. We are REALLY hoping that Ronnie decides to serve a mission when he is eligible in a year. We've mentioned it before and he said he's definitely thought about it in the past.
This whole situation was really a miracle... having someone so ready placed right onto our laps was such a blessing... definitely an answer to our prayers. The Lord loves us and He wants all of his children to have His gospel. I feel privileged to have been the one to teach Ronnie, and I know that he was truly prepared. It is the coolest thing to see how happy the gospel makes him, and all those who choose to accept and LIVE it.
Hope you all had a fabulous Labor Day and a fantastic week.
Much Love,
Hermana Richelle Ouellette
This Week's Picture - (L-R) Me, Hermana Jones, Camrie & Ronnie
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