I love the people here! There are so many wonderful hometown folks - members and nonmembers alike, as well as many crazy people that we enjoy for entertainment... is that bad? Anyway, we talked to this sweet old lady the other day, Winnie, who is quite possibly insane, but also very lonely. She didn't want to talk to us at first, but once we got her going, she didn't stop! She told us all about her modeling career back east, and how recently she was looking at greeting cards at Safeway and saw herself on one of the cards... "I'm on an American Greeting!!" Anyway, she continued to detail her life story for us, and we're really not sure how much of it is true, but that's OK! After about 45 minutes we finally broke loose and went to talk to a recent convert in the same apartment complex. Winnie could still see us and called us back saying "I have cupcakes for you girls!" The funny part is that they were completely frozen, but it was so nice that she wanted to do something for us.
Yesterday was a miracle day! We had a meeting in Show Low in the morning, and then came back to Eagar to work for the rest of the day. Our first lesson was with Gary... he was a referral from a member a couple weeks ago, and we knew he was very interested in the church, but we had a hard time setting up an appointment with him because he just started a new job. Anyway, we taught him the Restoration last week and yesterday the Plan of Salvation. He mentioned he was very much looking forward to his baptism so we gave him a baptism date. All of us were excited, and it's awesome to see his understanding of how important that step is.
Then, later that night almost the same thing happened. We met with a young man named Ronnie for the first time (he has met with Sisters in the past, but also had scheduling conflicts because of work). He also mentioned baptism right away, and after we explained the Restoration to him we decided to pick a date for his baptism. Ronnie was adamant that it be as soon as possible, and we certainly weren't going to object. He's been coming to church, and reading the Book of Mormon, so he already really has a testimony; he knows he needs to be baptized and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost (which he's excited for) to continue to progress.
I am so amazed at the way the Lord prepares specific people and puts them in our path. Sometimes I struggle to understand what I'm doing differently in the times when we have less "success" - as far as I can see I'm working just as hard and being just as obedient. We do get blessings for our diligence and obedience, but it isn't only about us. Things happen on the Lord's timing and in His way. As long as we continue to do our part He will eventually bless us with the things we need.
He loves each and every one of His children, and for that reason has given us the gospel. It is amazing to see the effects it has in people's lives each and every day, and I am so grateful to have it in my own. I was studying in Enos this week, and found his experience (really his personal conversion) very interesting. We know that his father, Jacob, had faith that could not be shaken (Jacob 7:5). Enos had been taught by his father, but came to a point in his life that he couldn't rely on his father's testimony anymore. I think that's one of the reasons he went to pray, and did indeed have a testimony building experience where his own faith "began to be unshaken in the Lord" (Enos 1:11).
Each of us, even those who have been raised in the Church, has to have a personal conversion. We must each commune with our Heavenly Father on a personal level and he will grant us faith and a testimony of the truthfulness of the gospel. He will help us embrace the gospel, have a "change of heart", and give us the strength we need to LIVE our testimonies. The gospel of Jesus Christ truly changes lives and I am so grateful to be a part of helping people recognize that.
Thanks for all your support!
Hermana Ouellette
PICTURE CAPTION - can't see it very well, but these are our frozen cupcakes from Winnie. Also - that's my new companion, Hermana Jones.
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