This has been a crazy crazy week... so many things going on!!!
First of all, I am sick! It is kind of annoying, but it's just a cold, but I'm on the uphill getting over it. There's definitely been something going around this valley... EVERYONE we see is either sick or getting sick. They say in a small town news travels fast, but apparently so do germs!
It is starting to feel like autumn weather, and I love it. There was a breeze on Sunday that just had that distinct hint of fall. (Side note: Springerville, Arizona is officially the windiest city in the United States - take that Chicago!). Anyway, the weather is still beautiful, even though I've been wearing sweaters more often recently. I'm not looking forward to the snow though, which they say can start in October. Hermana Jones the other day commented "I don't know how to drive in the snow." I replied "I don't know how to proselyte in the snow!!"
In other big news we had a baptism literally fall out of the sky this week. The Elders want us to pray for "baptisms from the sky" all the time, but usually I don't like that phrase because it seems to imply a lack of hard work. Anyway, we got a call Wednesday night about a lady, Wanda, coming up here from Queen Creek (my last area!) that wanted to be baptized this weekend. It was a very unique situation because she is 79 years old and has a terminal illness, so time was a sensitive issue. We met her on Thursday with our Stake President, taught her the lessons on Friday (we actually just reviewed - she had been taught most of them in the valley), she was baptized on Saturday, and confirmed on Sunday. It was kind of a whirlwind week for us trying to pull it all together, but we made it work. She had a TON of family there to support her, and her baptism ceremony was awesome. Everyone kept telling us what a wonderful job we did, but we didn't feel like we did anything!
On Saturday we also had the incredible opportunity to go down to Tempe to hear from Elder Hallstrom (of the Presidency of the Seventy) and Elder L. Tom Perry. We had to wake up at 3am to make it down there on time, but it was totally worth it. Elder Hallstrom talked about teaching and learning by the spirit, so that we can instruct and edify each other (D&C 43:8) He commented that we all need to repent for something... something that is keeping us from coming closer to our Heavenly Father, and we should use every meeting to help us do that (including Sacrament Meeting, Sunday School, RS/Priesthood, Home/Visiting Teaching, missionary lessons, etc.) There is no reason for us to be bored in any of these meetings, IF we have the Spirit. He involved us a lot during his talk, and at one point asked how many of us knew the very first word to the Doctrine and Covenants. A few people raised their hands, including myself, and he called on me to answer... fortunately I was right when I answered "Hearken". (Thank you Brother Hamilton for an awesome seminary lesson from ninth grade that I still remember!)
Elder Perry was so amazing to listen to as well. Before he started we all got to go up and greet him - it was so cool to shake the hand of an apostle of the Lord! The Spirit that was there really just confirms my testimony that he is a called, ordained, and sustained servant of the Lord. He spoke about the apostasy and restoration... it was basically the first lesson we teach to our investigators, only it was perfect. You would think it would be boring for us to hear the same thing again after we've heard it/teach it a hundred thousand times, but it wasn't! He used interesting scriptures and asked thought-provoking questions, and of course testified so strongly. I was certainly instructed and edified, and learned some new things I can incorporate into my teaching.
Let's see... I have so much to write, and not enough time!
Yesterday, Hermana Jones and I were studying repentance and talking about some of the needs of our investigators. We finished our discussion and I sighed and said "That's what it's all about!" So... that evolved into what we now call the "Repentance Pokey" It goes something like this:
You put your dirty hands in,
You take your clean hands out,
You put your dirty hands in,
And you work it all out.
You do the Repentance Pokey and you turn your heart around...
That's what it's all about!!
We pretty much thought it was hilarious, and thought it would be fun to use with primary kids, but I don't think Hermana Jones ever thought I would actually pull it out in a lesson, but I did! Last night we were teaching Ronnie about the gospel, and when we talked about repentance I told him about the song. I didn't sing it for him, but he (and all 6 of the other members who were there with us) absolutely loved it! Feel free to use it, but know that Hna. Jones and I are working on the copyright. :)
I have more to tell you, but we're really short on time... we're trying to get through here as quickly as possible since we're on our way to New Mexico. We're going as a district to eat Pie in a little town called Pietown! I'll send you pictures and give you more of an update next week!
Sorry if this one feels rushed. I still love you!
Hermana Richelle Ouellette
Pictures - TOP - Wanda, in the middle, with a good portion of her family.
BOTTOM - Hermana Jones picking which cold medicine to use. She was sick first, but between the drugs she had, the drugs members gave us, and those she bought (as you can see) she's doing significantly better :)
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