"Remember, the worth of souls is great in the sight of God." (D&C 18:10)
This week was filled with about 3 weeks worth of activities. First of all, it has been one of incredible success. We have been working hard (see picture for proof!), and it is finally paying off! We found TWELVE new investigators this week, and most of them are pretty solid! We already have one (Ricardo) with a baptism date for next weekend and he is so excited. His grandmother also wants to be baptized, but she hasn't been to church yet, so we'll be working with her a little bit longer. The cool part is that by the time she's ready Ricardo should have the Priesthood and be able to baptize her!
We are in the middle of heated prank war with the Elders. It started purely with sticky notes based on inside jokes, but this Sunday increased in intensity when on our way out the door for church we found our door mat covered in shaving cream, and our truck covered with silly string and messages on the windows. We didn't have time to wash it before church, so it was slightly embarrassing driving around like that... vengeance will be ours.
So, after several days of brainstorming it is finally P-day and we can purchase supplies for our retaliation. Since the Elders actually live outside their area they have been leaving their bikes on our porch at night. Let's just say that this evening when they come pick them up to proselyte they are going to find some beautifully decorated bikes. I'll send pictures next week :) Other ideas may be submitted in writing to: 1871 E Del Rio Dr, Tempe, AZ 85282, or emailed to richelle.ouellette@gmail.com.
(Yes, this is a call for letters, it's been a slow week in the mail department... although maybe the Elders that share our PO Box are hoarding my letters as part of the prank war... hmmmm....)
The other exciting thing this week was going on exchanges for the first time. Yesterday I returned to Eagar to work there for the day with Sister Peters, and my companion stayed in Show Low with Sister Hay. It was fun to be able to return to the area and see people, but I had the very distinct impression that this is NOT my area anymore. I am definitely supposed to be where I am, and as much as I loved the area, my time there is over and there are people in Show Low that I have been sent to find and teach.
So much happened in Eagar that I can't even BEGIN to describe everything. I was able to show Sister Peters the area (they are struggling to learn it), and we had four lessons (good day!). The highlight of my day was with Paul, the investigator I believe I was sent to the Arizona Tempe Mission to find.
Like most of the other people they are teaching, he has regressed slightly with two new sisters. He's going through some really hard times, but I feel that him seeing me (he could not get over the fact that I was back) really helped him remember that our Heavenly Father is mindful of him, and I made him promise to keep meeting with the sisters and to step up his prayers and scripture study!
I also got to talk to Ronnie, our recent convert that we hadn't gotten to see before we left the area (because he was in Colorado). He is doing so well, and said he took his Book of Mormon with him on his trip and read it every day! Yay! I feel like a proud mom!
Well, the good news is I still love being a missionary! I can't believe I'm on the downward slope. Time seems to be going by faster and faster! Hermana Wilkins (my trainer) goes home in three weeks, and it is so surreal. I'm just working my hardest to make every moment count.
Thanks for your love and prayers, it made a difference in my week!
Love you,
Hermana Richelle Ouellette
My former mission companion lives right near Show Low. She's in the town right next to it I believe. She's been awfully sick with pneumonia, sure wish she could visit with some Sisters. Congratulations on the 12 new investigators. That's terrific and BTW, love the shoes(: