This week has been full of fun and miracles! A few highlights from this week:
Friday: We got to do some service by prepping bulls (bucking broncos) for the Luna Rodeo... giving them B12 and Dex shots. OK, so we didn't actually get to give them the shots (keep in mind they're bred to buck), but we at least got to fill the syringes.
Saturday: We got to go to the Luna Rodeo! It was great being in proselyting clothes and feeling completely out of place at this back country, small town rodeo. We were doing service there (serving concessions) so we didn't see a whole lot of the actual rodeo, but when the lines slowed down we could catch a few glimpses of mutton bustin', team roping, and bucking. When we got back to Round Valley we got to go to the Pioneer Day Celebration where we and the Elders were judges of the food contest. It was all dutch oven cooking and each ward in the stake had prepared posse stew (Round Valley thing apparently - (cross between beef stew and chili) and cobblers. It was all delicious and very difficult to decide a winner.
Sunday: We fasted today as a district, and this is when our miracles started coming. We received a couple of referrals from the celebration yesterday that we are excited to contact, plus some of the potential investigators we have been trying to teach have warmed up to us, and are prepared to start taking the lessons.
One girl, Alandra, is 13 and lives with her grandmother, who is a inactive member. We first taught Alandra when she sat in at another investigator's home about a month ago. She is so intelligent and spiritual for her age... we watched the Restoration video, and she said that she felt something different. We felt that she had been prepared, and have been trying to get in with her for about the past month. We have met her grandmother several times, but she hasn't been very open to speaking with us. Sunday evening, however, she invited us in and began talking to us about her conversion and what the Church has meant to her... even though she hasn't been active in years, she had nothing bad to say. She has agreed to let Alandra start taking the lessons because she really feels like her granddaughter needs some help right now. We are so excited to start working with both of them.
Sunday evening we found out that Girls Camp for their ward is this week, and our ward mission leader suggested that we try to get Alandra there. It seemed like a long-shot since we would have to make it happen in one day, but somehow we did it... another miracle! Alandra had to take a lot of initiative to make phone calls, ask her grandmother's permission, and get packed in less than 10 hours, but she did it, and we know she's having an awesome experience right now.
On Sunday we were also able to talk to a man named Mike Geisler, who was referred to the missionaries in this area about 6 months ago. They were never able to get in with him because he was so busy, and not really that interested, which is essentially the same thing he told us about two weeks ago. But, when we went back on Sunday, he was totally different and even though he was busy at the time he said we could come back later that night, or sometime during the week. We scheduled an appointment for Tuesday and went over last night with two of his friends that are members and had an awesome, spiritual first lesson. Turns out since the last time we talked to him he has experienced the death of a close friend, and he is finally looking for answers to questions he has had for a long time.
It is interesting to see how important timing was in his situation - a few weeks made all the difference in him being ready to meet with us. We can see that he has been prepared, and we are grateful to know that the plan of salvation offers the answers to the questions he has.
I know the Lord prepares people, and I can see how our prayers have been answered for the Lord to lead us to those who are ready to learn about and accept His Gospel. I know our fast played a part in all this, and that our faith provides miracles. I am so grateful to be receiving the blessings that we are at this time.
As we continue to pray for the things we need, and then do our part through diligence and work, the Lord WILL bless us. Everyday people are being prepared to accept the gospel, and it is up to YOU to find them.
Never cease to pray, and you will see miracles in your life!
Love always,
Hermana Richelle Ouellette
TOP: We got caught in a torrential downpour, but fortunately a member helped us out with a poncho and some trash bags - I got the trash bags :)
MIDDLE:"Welcome to Arizona!" - on the way home from the Luna Rodeo - I figured it was my only chance to ever get a picture (in pros. clothes) of me at the Arizona border.
BOTTOM: Me and a syringe of B12 :)
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