I guess I should begin by letting you know that I barely sat down to the computer in the public library and a forest park ranger just came up behind me and gave me a lime green snap bracelet that says "Smokey's Helper" and she reminded me to be careful with my campfires. I love this place. Here are some other things I love (or am learning to love) about Round Valley:
1. There are lots of cowboys - like, real ones; someone told me that John Wayne used to own a ranch here.
2. At church we sing songs like "In Our Lovely Mountain Home"
3. Everyone knows EVERYTHING about EVERYBODY! And most of them are related.
4. No one knows street names - addresses come in the form of "oh he lives down there next to the Udall's old house." This might help me if I knew which Udalls they were talking about (they say there are more Udalls here than there are Y'alls in Texas) OR if I knew where they used to live. Fortunately there aren't too many streets, so I am starting to learn my way around.
5. I have not seen a single cactus - and the landscape really is beautiful. Plus the sunsets over the valley are gorgeous almost every single night.
There are more things, but they kind of all have the same theme of being in a small town that is densely populated with Mormons... It's a very unique culture.
Well, in the last week I have officially been cold, and not because of air conditioning. The weather is crazy up here! As a matter of fact it has been raining here quite a bit... I was thinking about that and the fact that it actually stormed the first couple weeks I got to Queen Creek as well. I think it's symbolic of my entering a new area and needing some rain to help me grow :)
The other day I was studying in Ether 9 and I read a scripture about rain that I really liked, especially because it was so applicable to the current weather. In Ether 9:35, after a period of drought, the people humbled themselves and the "Lord did send rain upon the face of the earth; and the people began to revive again, and there began to be fruit in the north countries..." I was thinking about how Christ represents the rain (as the living water) and how he can literally revive our souls when we are feeling down, weak, or weary. As the rain falls to the earth it provides nourishment for every living thing, and brings forth fruit. As we accept Christ and his gospel into our life we too are strengthened and can produce good fruits.
I am so grateful for the many opportunities I have that help me to grow... I feel like I have learned so much and become so much stronger in a few short months. I hope you will recognize the power of Christ in your life to help you grow, and rely on his living water to proved needed strength and growth in your own life.
Much love,
Hermana Richelle Ouellette
Hey, one of my old companions lives in Snowflake. I'm not sure what ward she is in but her name is Maggie Herring. She is newly divorced and having a rough time of it. It would be great if you were close and could just stop by quick.