Yeah!!! Mommy figured out how to download photos from email, and upload to Blogspot!
Well, looks like all my mom's prayers for me to able to stand the heat have been answered, because I got transferred to the White Mountains yesterday. I'm in a small town called Eager about 4 hours NE of Tempe, and so far so good. The weather out here is beautiful... they say it doesn't get above 95 in the summer, so I definitely came up here at the perfect time.
Not only am I out of the heat, it also feels like I'm out of Arizona. There isn't a cactus to be seen! There are pine trees and mountains, and it is beautiful! I'm really looking forward to getting to the know the area, and having a chance to explore a little bit and see a very different side of the state.
The missionary work will be different too. I'm in what we call a "zebra area" meaning English and Spanish work is combined. My new companion is an English speaking sister, Sister Emrazian, but she speaks Spanish as well so I won't be too alone when we teach lessons in Spanish. We cover 4 English wards and a Spanish Branch. The branch has only about 5 active members, so I guess there's lots of room for growth! :) Apparently, President was thinking about putting 2 English sisters up here, but changed his mind and sent me up instead. I really feel like that means there's someone special for ME to find and touch. I'm up for the challenge!
It will definitely be interesting teaching in English though... it will be nice to be able to express myself a little easier, plus I am far more familiar with the scriptures in English. But, I will miss the Spanish language and culture... hopefully I will still have plenty of opportunities to be around it.
The hardest thing about transfers has been leaving Hermana Wilkins. We were together for four transfers and we were like real sisters. We know everything about each other and share EVERYTHING. It is incredible to me how strong our bond is not only because we have similar interests and personalities, but because we share a testimony of the gospel, and had the wonderful opportunity to hear each others testimonies multiple times a day for the past 6 months.
I had a hard time saying goodbye, and it will definitely be a challenge to adapt to a new companion's habits, teaching style, and our roles within our relationship. Every change brings with it a unique set of challenges, and I am looking forward to my personal growth and all the things I will learn. It gives me yet another opportunity to rely on my Savior, to be humble, and to learn new principles that I know I will use in the future. Sister Emrazian seems to be focused on the work, so I know that we will get lots of things done here. Missionary work is missionary work no matter where you are. Hope all is well wherever YOU may be.
Much love,
Hermana Richelle Ouellette
The picture is from my last night in Queen Creek with the Johnson family, whom we have been living with for the past 6 months.
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