Thought I'd give some background to Richelle's roots. This is a picture of her current home in Connecticut. It's a farmhouse, built in 1784 (BEFORE George Washington was President of the US!!). This was taken last winter--it hasn't snowed yet this year (thankfully!)....But as you can see, a mission call to Arizona and her arrival there in January 2010 might be looking pretty good! I know summers are hot, but at least she won't have to shovel snow for a couple of years. Seems to me she might have an adjustment coming home!
I expect to hear from her next week. We've already mailed a package and a letter, so her spirits should be UP. Thanks again to all of you who have supported Richelle in this endeavor. She sure has made lots of friends in her journey through life.
Love to all, Pat-TM (The Mom) :)
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