Week one, almost done! I LOVE it here at the MTC (Missionary Training Center)! The days are ridiculously long and the food is not great, but I love the work that I'm doing. I have so many amazing opportunities to teach and bear my testimony, and my own testimony of Jesus Christ continues to grow every time I share it.
I got placed in an intermediate spanish class and the 4 other people in my class make up my district. There is a triple of elders, and my companion, Hermana Taylor (more on her later). Everyone in my district has red hair, so they all look like a family. I obviously don't have red hair, so I'm the odd one out... Although my freckles help me fit in a little bit. We've been joking about how I'm the "sister from another mister", or "hermana de otro papa".
Hermana Taylor (my companion) is great. I was worried about adjusting to spending 24/7 with someone, but since I have to do it, I'm glad it's with her. She's from Southern California and she's heading to the SLC mission. SLC mission doesn't sound that fun until you realize that she has several temples and every single apostle living within her misison. Awesome. One of our teachers, Hermano Haight, served in the same mission and he has a picture of him and his companion at a dinner appointment with Pres. Hinckley. No big deal.
I'm learning Spanish pretty quickly... they have us start praying in Spanish on day 2, and basically the total immersion helps a lot. I'm surprised at how fast the language is coming back to me. I keep thinking or saying phrases in Spanish rather than English without even really thinking about it. Can't wait to be completely fluent.
The Spirit is so strong here. The situations aren't unlike others that the Spirit would be present, but the feelings are completely intensified, perhaps because of the setting... Thousands of people my age, working towards the same purpose of helping people come to Christ. On Sunday we had the opportunity to listen to Sister Oaks, AND Sister Sheri Dew, who are both such great speakers. What a wonderful place this is!
Through learning how to teach the lessons of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ, I've already feel like I've come so much closer to my Savior, and I've only been here a week! I can't imagine what I'll be feeling at the end of 9 weeks... or 18 months for that matter. I'm so grateful for the opportunity I have to be here, and to be a full time missionary for the Church. Thank you so much to everyone who played a part in getting me here. You all have helped me grow so much, and I love you.
Keep the letters coming! My favorite way of getting mail is through DearElder.com (while I'm in the MTC). It's as easy as emailing for you, but I don't have to wait until Tuesdays (my preparation day) to get the message! Snail mail letters (and packages!) are also greatly appreciated! I'll do my best to get back to all of you, but I'm working with a really limited amount of time. If you don't hear from me for a while, it's not because I don't love you! Hope you all are doing great in the "real world".
Much love,
Hermana Richelle Ouellette
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