I can't actually remember everything that happened this week, so I guess that means everything went well! I had some special, somewhat non-mission related experiences this week. I've finally accepted that it's about time to figure out what I'm going to do when I get home, since it's approaching more quickly than I'd like. It's something that I'd typically stress about, especially because I have almost no time or resources to do anything about it as a missionary.
The past couple weeks have been kind of stressful in the few spare moments I have thinking and planning what I have been wanting to do with the rest of my life. However, I've also felt so blessed to really feel like the Lord has been guiding me and once again putting the right people in my path to help me make the right decisions. I finally realized that we tell people all day every day to pray about things like this, and the Lord WILL answer our prayers. Was I doing that? Yes, I was praying for guidance, but it was pretty open-ended... it wasn't until I made some concrete decisions and asked for Heavenly Father's "approval" that I felt the peace I was looking for. The same day I finally did that, we had interviews with our Mission President who said a few things that once again helped me confirm my choice... tender mercy for me! - I like to be 110% sure! :)
Monday night we made a fort... yes, that's right. We are clearly very easily entertained, and we had a few extra minutes before bedtime after we had planned for the next day. So, we got some extra sheets, and with the help of Ellen (the member who lives upstairs) and her friend Sabrina we constructed quite the edifice. We then made popcorn and watched "Together Forever" a church movie about families.
The fort reminded me of a lesson we sometimes do with families. We read Alma 50 and discuss the fortifications Moroni makes around the city to protect it from the Lamanites. We then compare the city to our family and the heaps of earth, timbers, pickets, and towers to things such as the scriptures, the gospel of Jesus Christ, prayer, priesthood, tithing, baptism, Family Home Evening, temples, a prophet, etc... the things we have in our lives that protect us from the "spiritual Lamanites". I know that as we build these fortifications around our homes and families we will be protected from the "stones and arrows" of our enemies. If we let even just a few of these slip, it creates an entry for Satan to enter into and corrupt our homes.
Our families are important to God, and that is why he has provided us with all these means to protect and strengthen them. I have seen the application of this principle within the walls of literally hundreds of homes over the past year. Families that make these things a priority are happier, and more successful than those who don't... there is a different (almost tangible) feeling within their home. I know that as you make an effort to focus on that which protects your family - "principles of faith, prayer, repentance, forgiveness, respect, love, compassion, work, and wholesome recreational activities" (i.e. fort-building) you will recognize a change and feel more peace and harmony within your home and family.
Love always,
Hermana Richelle Ouellette
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