General Conference was AMAZING! I loved it, as usual, and was so grateful to hear the words of our prophet and apostles, men that I know are called of God to speak His will. I am so thankful for my knowledge and testimony of these things! It was such a blessing to be able to be so edified and uplifted by their words... I think Elder Holland summed it up when he called it a phenomenon. The only difficult thing for me during the weekend was to be so spiritually fed, and then have to talk to people that just didn't get it... that didn't want to feel what I have felt, or understand what I have understood. I just wish everyone would LISTEN!
We had four investigators that were able to watch general conference, and they all loved it! Erika, 15, came with us to the Saturday afternoon session, and loved it. I was so grateful because we were nervous she might find it boring, or not get anything out of it, but that was so not the case. Afterwards we were talking and she told us all the stories/principles she likes, and how she has officially added to her "bucket list" watching it in the conference center. We can make that happen!
I love knowing that Heavenly Father answers prayers. All of my "conference questions" were answered, and so far everyone I have followed up with has had the same response. Who knows if I will be able to look back in 10 years from now and get the same things out of it, but for now the Spirit taught me things I needed to know now. I loved the call to action from everyone, to choose the right, SERVE others, and truly LIVE the gospel. As I have mentioned many times before, that is what it is all about! The gospel doesn't mean anything if we aren't living it! Many of us have the DESIRE (see Elder Oaks' talk!) to come closer to Jesus Christ, but are we taking the necessary steps to shorten the distance between ourselves and our Savior?
I have seen many other answers to prayers this week. We continue to see miracles daily, and have been blessed to see our investigators continuing to progress toward baptism. We are making a conscious effort to pray more often, and with all the energy of heart (Moroni 7:48) and have secured that blessings that God is so willing to grant (Bible Dictionary; prayer).
I don't have much more news... as you can tell General Conference was the highlight of my week! I would be satisfied to know you enjoyed it half as much as I did! (If you haven't watched all of it yet, don't worry, it's available online at www.lds.org!) Things are great, and I STILL love being a missionary!
Much love,
Hermana Richelle Ouellette
This is what we look like at the end of a day of miracles... super excited! :D
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