Ok, so I know I talked about technology a couple weeks ago, but can I just say how awesome it was to be able to Skype with my family! It was so great to be in different parts of the world, and talk as if we were in the same room. Love it!
Along the same lines of technology... this week we were eating dinner with the Cowgurs (which we do once or twice a week) and following our spiritual thought we said the usual closing prayer. Cindy offered it, and literally as soon as we all said "Amen" her phone went off. That wouldn't be an interesting occurrence, except for the fact that it is programed to say "message received". Now I know Heavenly Father answers prayers, but it was fun to have an extra confirmation that he had received this one :)
Once again, we saw many prayers answered this week. One night last week I was thinking about how we've been trained that our nightly planning sessions should be a spiritual experience. To be honest, I am usually so exhausted at the end of the day that they are usually far from spiritual. Anyway, as I was thinking about it I tried to follow the spirit and really be guided in who we needed to visit and at what time.
The next day, I saw just how guided we had been. We decided to visit Zobeida and her family (the cute family that came to the Easter Pageant with us). Unfortunately, she has not been progressing because her husband is not ready to commit to anything yet. Still, I had felt we needed to see her that particular day, and when we showed up she invited us in, and we were able to talk about how important the gospel is for the family. We also found out that it was her son's first birthday. The adorable four-year-old Amelia kept saying how she wanted to have a party, and her Mom would kindly explain in somewhat of a hushed voice that they can't have a party right now because they don't have money for a cake or balloons. It broke my heart!
So, Hermana Mugar and I called for permission to go to the store, and we came back later in the evening with a bouquet of balloons, cake and ice cream. They were so excited!!! I want to show them how much we love them, even if they can't progress in the gospel... so even if our service doesn't translate to them meeting with us, or attending church, I was so grateful for the opportunity to brighten their day... it certainly improved mine!
I know that we were sent there for a reason that day; and that we are guided every day as we seek to follow the promptings of the spirit. As we ask the questions "where should I go?", "what should I do", and "what should I say?" Heavenly Father places thoughts and ideas in our minds. As we act on those thoughts we are led to the places we need to be in, and the people we need to meet. I am amazed by trust God places in us as he sends us out to serve his children. I love seeing those miracles every single day!
Happy (late) Mother's day... actually Mexican Mother's Day is tomorrow... so I guess I'm a day early! I truly appreciate all those of you who have played a motherly role in my life!
Love you all,
Hermana Richelle Ouellette
PICS - 1. Zobeida and her four adorable kids celebrating Sebastian's birthday! :)
2. I hit a bird... and it didn't make it... oops!
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