This has been an incredible week. It never ceases to amaze me how the Lord continues to bless us with miracles each and every day.
On Thursday we went on exchanges, which means that I was able to go with Hermana Adams again who is now in Queen Creek (my first area). Returning to my old area brought a wide array of emotions... I'm not ever sure how to express everything that I felt. First of all, I can not believe how it felt like it was not that long ago that we walked up the stairs to our apartment in the Johnson's home every day (the distinct smell brought me right back!), even though it has been a year. At the same time, I think about all that has happened since then and it feels like eons ago that I called that place home.
Thursday night we had dinner with a part-member family that we had started teaching over a year ago. Although Rigo has not been baptized, it was AMAZING to see the progress that he and his wife Sandra (who was just coming back to church) have made. That night we slept outside on the balcony - to remember the good times with Hermana Wilkins, and to create new memories with Hermana Adams :).
Friday was one of the longest days of my life. I was exhausted by the time it was over, but it was because we worked SO hard. We had set some goals, and were going to do everything possible to accomplish them. We totally pushed ourselves and the results of the day made it completely worth it. I don't have time or space to write everything that happened (my 7 page journal entry for this day took me an hour and a half to write!) but I will give you the highlights.
Thursday evening as we were planning, I looked at one of the teaching records I had pulled of people that I wanted to see, a lady named Monica. I told Hermana Adams the miracle of how we had found her (short version: inspired street contact) but was disappointed to see that someone had written on the record that they had moved to Phoenix. While we were studying as a companionship this morning we got a call from a woman named Monica. Since this is not my area anymore I had assumed it was one of their investigators, or someone the sisters in this area had taught sometime in the past year. Then she asked for Hermana Wilkins or Ouellette... what?! I talked to her and found out that it was the very same Monica we started teaching last year!! She happened to be in the area today and was hoping to meet with us! What are the chances that the ONE day I happened to be in Queen Creek was the day she called looking for me? Zero... if it had been any other day the sisters wouldn't have known who she was or what she needed and probably wouldn't have been able to help her.
Anyway, we ended up meeting with her that afternoon and it turns out she needs some help with something... basically a letter from a character witness (long, complicated story) but I'm the only one in the area that could help her. When we explained this miracle to her that she had been able to get in touch with me, and that it happened because our Heavenly Father knows exactly what she needs and how to help her, she was so touched. We had met at the church and she mentioned that she would like to see inside because she had never been before. Unfortunately we didn't have keys... BUT as we were finishing up our meeting at the picnic tables someone with keys miraculously showed up and let us in. They loved it... and committed to come to church (in Gilbert) on Sunday. You can imagine how excited I was to see Monica and her ENTIRE family in the chapel yesterday when we came in. They loved sacrament meeting, and she was excited when I told her we can send missionaries to her home in Phoenix... "Yeah! So we can go to church closer!" I love it!
It was an incredible experience, and it was not isolated... we had two others that day, just as powerful (which you'll have to wait until I get home to hear!). All I know is that Heavenly Father answers prayers, and as long as we provide that faith and action necessary, he will provide the miracles.
Rigo and Monica, along with several of the other people we were able to teach was such a powerful way for me to receive a little bit of closure to my mission. I was able to witness some of the "fruits" of my labors and see how some of the seeds I planted almost 18 months ago are still being nourished and growing. I am so grateful for the missionary program, and I know that this is Heavenly Father's work. There is no other way to explain the miracles and blessings that we witness every single day.
Much love,
Hermana Richelle Ouellette
PICTURE - Giant water cups... kept us going on our busy, miraculous day in Queen Creek.
NOTE FROM MOM: This coming week is Richelle's last as a missionary Next Sunday, she goes into the Mission home in preparation for her return to Connecticut. She arrives at Bradley airport, Tuesday, May 31 at 5:15 p.m.!!!
I'm pretty sure there will be another blog...just not sure when.
Thanks to all of your for your love and support of our missionary. She has had an incredible experience, and it's been fun to share this all with you!