OK... Best surprise of my mission EVER!: On Saturday afternoon I'm sitting in our kitchen (in our members' home) waiting for my broccoli to steam (yum!) and the doorbell rings. I think nothing of it because it's not my home, and the door is never for us... but I heard whoever answer it say "I think the missionaries are in the kitchen." Hmm... who in the world? I turn around for the biggest, best surprise of my life to see my trainer aka Hermana Wilkins aka Shanell Dunn standing right in front of me!! Are you kidding me?! Best day of my life. We hugged forever and even cried a little and then immediately got to catching up on her life. I got to meet her husband... they are so perfect for each other and so happy, which just made me so happy!
Besides that tender mercy for me there are so many miracles happening in our area. We have been teaching this awesome girl, Lakin, a friend of a recent convert, Annika, who was baptized in December. They are both 18 years old and the lessons we've had with them are awesome - the spirit is so strong, and the love and support of her friends Annika and Maddie is perfect.
This weekend we completely inundated Lakin with Church activities - Friday we brought her to a baptism, Saturday - the visitor's center, and Sunday our mission president's fireside. We were a little nervous that it might be a little much since she hadn't even been to Church with us yet, but that was not the case. She told us she really enjoyed her weekend, and was disappointed when she had to work on Sunday instead of being able to come to Church with us! The lesson we had with them on Monday was amazing... we talked about the plan of salvation. Annika's sister Mia has also been sitting in and came with us this weekend, and we are seeing changes in her as she starts to want these things more and more.
As we taught about the plan of salvation I could see how things clicked for them. Especially for Mia - their grandfather just passed away this weekend, and as with any death it has been hard for their family. However, Annika shared her testimony of the plan of salvation and how she's not as sad because she understands the plan and the way everything will work out. It was such a tender experience to see how the plan of happiness really does bring peace into our lives - especially as we talk about the healing power of the atonement, and the comfort that the spirit can bring in times of difficulty and grief.
As we were teaching I had sat on the floor directly in front of the couch the four girls were sitting on and laid out the plan visually in front of them. I was struck by two thoughts: 1. These girls are awesome. They are beautiful, fun, teenage girls and they were choosing to spend their evening (and their entire weekend!) with the missionaries instead of any other activity that probably would have been more entertaining. And number 2. These things we teach are real - They wouldn't do that if it wasn't true... The blessings we talk about of peace and comfort are so real they are almost tangible - I could feel it in myself, especially as I felt God's love for each on of them and saw it working in them to bring them answers and give them peace.
Our investigator Heidi and her two sons Alec and Tyler were baptized this weekend (see picture above). I've been saving her "story" until now. It all started with an 8-year-old missionary Solomon... right after Heidi and her family moved in next door to them he and Alec quickly became friends and one day when they were all outside Solomon told Alec "Alec, I know you don't got to my church or anything, but I reeeaaaalllly want you to get baptized." Direct. To the point. :) He then invited the family to Church... Heidi says she was slightly uncomfortable and didn't know how to tell a child "no, she couldn't come because she isn't Mormon." Well... it was all downhill from there. Alec and Tyler first started coming to scouts with the neighbor boys, then church, and eventually Heidi started coming with them.
They loved it from the beginning, and soon became regular "church-goers". As we taught them the principles of the restored gospel, they learned quickly and began to see changes in their lives. They steadily developed faith, repented and progressed toward baptism. Their baptism and confirmation were special experiences, but what is most exciting is that they recognize that this was only the opening of the gate to put them on the path that leads to eternal life. They are experiencing true happiness, and I know they will continue to grow as they come even closer to Christ.
Annika has one of my favorite descriptions of the blessings of the gospel... she always talks about how freakishly happy it makes her, and it's TRUE! There is nothing in this world that provides the lasting peace and happiness that the gospel brings into our lives. I know that as we do the things that develop our relationship with our Savior, including sharing the gospel, we are blessed with a joy that can not be described or compared. Annika and Alec (and I) are experiencing that happiness that comes from sharing the gospel, and the best part is that as they do that their friends experience that same joy and happiness.
"Now was not this exceeding joy? Behold, this is joy which none receiveth save it be the truly penitent and humble seeker of happiness." (Alma 27:18)
Be Happy! I love you,
Hermana Richelle Ouellette
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