Thursday, May 6, 2010

Up and Doing (5/5)

Feliz Cinco de Mayo! Most of you know I was disappointed to be serving a state-side mission, but sometimes when I'm really bummed we walk through a really Mexican neighborhood and I feel like I'm in a foreign country. The fact that we're in the desert helps too, but anyway, hopefully they'll be celebrating on the streets tonight, and I'm sure the accordion music will bring me away to Mexico :)

We had a funny experience this week trying to contact a potential investigator we had gotten after a series of street and door contacts. We were looking for a man named Gustavo, finally found his house and knocked on the front door. They didn't answer, but two girls (approx. 7 and 9ish) came out the side door so we started talking to them. The situation went something like this:

Me: Hi! Are your parents home?
Girls: Yeah! (Running inside calling for their parents - they were obviously there)
They come back out, shaking their heads... No, they're not home.
Me: When do you think they'll be back?
Girl 1: I don't know.
Girl 2: (at same time) 3 hours?
Hermana Wilkins: Should we come back?
Girls: Shake their heads, but aren't really sure.
Hermana Wilkins: Ok. Do you want to go ask them?
Without thinking the girls run inside again, and come back out and tell us no. I don't think they realized what had just happened.

Anyway, it was pretty funny, and even though we were essentially getting rejected we didn't really care. Of all the things that are hard about missionary work, rejection doesn't really bother me... what's harder is being dropped by investigators that know the gospel is true, but are not ready/willing to make the commitment to live it. One of my favorite scriptures is Mosiah 4, when King Benjamin tells his people, "if you believe these things, see that you do them". As my mom has said, this gospel is a DOING gospel. It's so true, and once we have learned/know, we have a serious responsibility to act on the things we know.

I read another scripture this week that I really liked that goes right along with this... in Alma 60:24 - it says to "be up and doing". I think I am going to make this an anthem in my life... It is so critical to "stop dreaming of our mansions above", get up and do something good in this world that is in desperate need of it! I know that we are blessed for our continual efforts to do what is right.

We have seen that this week... even though we have been struggling finding new people to teach, the Lord always seems to bless us with opportunities, and I know that they come because of our continuous hard work and obedience. The other day we were walking out of an apartment complex, and this guy stopped us and said, "Hey, I've been reading that book you gave Elimilec" (his friend). He then started to tell us that Joseph Smith was a prophet, and explained how we got the Book of Mormon... we were like "where did you come from?!".... we were astonished, you could say :) Well, we started teaching him, and basically he's really interested in learning more.

I know that Heavenly Father answers prayers, and blesses us with our needs, but only if we are "up and doing" - doing our part, being obedient and diligent in the things we know to be true. I'm grateful for this knowlege, and for the love of my Father in Heaven. Make an effort to be "up and doing" this week... I know you will see the fruits of your labors.

Much love,

Hermana Richelle Ouellette

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